Friday, 5 August 2016

First Steps...

Well yep, here's another blog on miniature, and particularly historical miniature, wargaming, and I can already hear, 'why do i need to be reading this when there's many, many other blogs out there not he same subject?'

Well, bear with me here, although I've been involved in tabletop gaming since the early 90's and the original Rogue Trader rulebook it's only recently that I've switched my attentions to the historical side of things... and I'm hooked.

So the point of this blog is to follow this journey with me, maybe learn something and hopefully start a bit of a conversation on the way. i know i'm definitely going to have some questions that come to light on the way and hopefully through here some answers will come to light.

So, where to start. I guess I've stumbled into the hobby through, not necessarily a back door but at least the side entrance. My original plan was to look at how to game Game of Thrones on the tabletop. i had an idea for a grand Lannister army, all red and gold, banners streaming in the wind. My first thought was how to bring that to the table and somewhere in the house i knew I had a box with a mix of random miniatures in I'd never got round to doing anything with. Into the back of the shelves I went...

i managed to find some knights, men at arms, archers and Roman legionaries. A mix of Victrix, Perry and what i think are War-games Factory. Superb I thought and set about gluing ready for painting. I've always had an interest in ancient Rome and thought that could be an interesting side project alongside my other plans... and then I got totally distracted which we'll come onto in the next post.

Things I've learned:

1. Historical wargaming is a MUCH bigger field than I first thought

2. My history knowledge is much worse than I thought!

1 comment:

  1. welcome to the blogosphere- I have been going for 10 years with my Shed wars blog and its great to go back and see what has happened - keep at it and the rewards will come
